
How am I supposed to feel about college? How am I supposed to go about things? How should I study? Where should I hide? I need advice, not general statements. I'm a wreck waiting to happen. I need courage. I need motivation. Help me please. I'm leaving my friends behind to pursue something I enjoy, but I will always love the people in my life more...I think I'd rather let them get in the way. My mind is wired so that I'm laidback and generally don't give a sh*t about much, which is what has me worried. I'm afraid I won't get throught, that I'll get lazy. That I won't be able to stand people, that I won't study right, or that my professors just won't be worth it. I'm worried I'll go in with so many questions, have none of them answered and only get more questions. I hate how people keep saying you get what out what you put in. I don't know what I'm putting in. Please someone console me.
August 12th, 2011 at 04:06am