11 Questions :)

Okay, so, I'm still relatively new to Mibba, and I was just thinking of getting to know the community better. I've come up with 11 questions that I'll be asking and answering, and I ask you to answer them too (if you want, of course.) If there's a question you don't want to answer, that's obviously okay, just skip it. So, here we goo :)

1. Favourite colour
2. Favourite food
3. Any siblings?
4. Biggest insecurity
5. Hobbies/what you like to do for fun
6. Which country are you currently living in?
7. Your worst quality
8. Your best quality
9. What you want to be when you grow up! (Or what you already are..:P)
10. Favourite book/series
11. What's your horoscope? And do you believe in all this star stuff ? :P

My Answers :D

1. Pink
2. Any type of pasta
3. A little bro
4. Hm..my weight and my skin :$
5. Writing :) and anything I do with my friends is fun.
6. Canada
7. I can be quite selfish...and sometimes temperamental.
8. I'm not even trying to be modest, I can't think of any!! :(
9. I'm not entirely sure..I WANT to be an author, but that doesn't seem too likely. I'll probably be working somewhere in the bank, like my dad :P
10. HARRY POTTER, hands down <3
11. Capricorn. I do belive in it. I also belive that 4 is an unlucky number, like my dad thinks. However, I don't believe in any of that see-a-black-cat-and-die or walk-under-a-ladder-and-get-cad-luck stuff :P

Your turnn!!!

August 13th, 2011 at 05:28am