
I feel like my life is crumbling to peices! This summer has been terrible! Everyone just simply hate me all the sudden. My "best friends" have been fake, or turned against me. Everyone hates me. i wanna move as far away from cape may county as possible. Like mishigan or something, where no one knows me. I have about 1 true friend. And whos to say she won't tuen out like the rest?! I'm done. Why does everyone have to do that? Play you, or like you one minute, then hate you the next because of some dumb shit, that some fake bitch told you?! And on top of this, my moms been pissy lately and all I hear is her bitching about how everything I do is wrong. And no one ever sticks up for me besides taylor mcdermott (my only friend). And I might be switching back to that hell hole of a public school where everyone hates me! So I won't even go to school woth taylor any more! And I'm sick of being called fat or chubby! They act like I don't already know! And people calling me pretty, and others calling me fugly confuses the shit out of me! I try my best to look as good as possible, and I hate being put down! And I hate the compitition I have with my ex best friend! whY do people do this?! They don't know anything about me to judge me!they don't know my home life, or my past. I hate people. Theres no solution either. I've tried it all. I'm a useless waist of space. And i'm certainly not aplriciated whatsoever. FUCK my life.
August 13th, 2011 at 09:47am