oo2. sex lines & t. mills

kay, so... i'm going to start a story called "another missed call", and it's going to be a travis mills (t. mills) fanfiction. it started out as a one shot, but i decided i wanted to develop it further. basically, there's this girl, runa devine, and she is a drug addicted, anorexic, bi-polar high school drop out. runa works for a sex line so she can manage to pay for her dump of an apartment. but, she has this frequent caller who knows her as her phone name, "star", and she only knows him as "travis". the thing is, travis is different. yes, in the end, he gets his phone sex, but, he actually talks to runa. long story short, the two meet up one day, fall in love, blah blah blah. only, after that, it gets super dramatic, but i don't want to spoil it. ;D

but, yeah. i guess i just wanted opinions on the plot, or just know if anyone will actually read it. xD so, yeahhh. whatevs. (:
August 13th, 2011 at 01:52pm