oo4. facts about me 'cause i'm bored, part one.

so, i figure i get bored a lot, and i figure that it'd be cool to get to know some mibbians, so, when i get ridiculously bored, i'll post 15 facts about myself. i know, most likely, no one will even read this. but, whatever. xD

1. my initials are r.g.l.
2. i love plaid shirts
3. i refuse to eat at hooter's
4. i've dated a transgendered person
5. i love my ass. i have a ghetto booty. ;D
6. i have a short temper
7. i find sports incredibly boring
8. my favorite food is teriyaki chicken
9. my favorite holiday is halloween (yes, i'm cliche)
10. i fucking hate when people who don't speak japanese/chinese get the symbols tattooed on themselves.
11. my boyfriend serenades me from my back yard at night on a regular basis
12. my boyfriend is a hipster. seriously.
13. i'm in love with this crazy hipster ;D
14. i wish i had marilyn manson contacts
15. i can't get my driver's license until i'm eighteen.
August 13th, 2011 at 05:40pm