Being sick. Working. Questions. Swap.

I've been sick in bed all day D:
My stomach is churning and making weird noises and my brain feels as if it's going to burst through my head. I haven't felt like this in yeaaars, and it absolutely freakin' sucks.
Welp. My puppy is keeping me company, so I guess it's not too bad..

But the absolute downside is missing work. My jobs not too important, I'm only 17 and work at McDonalds. But I love it and hate missing it over stupid shit. Like being sick..


Questions for yoouuuu;

1. Have you been sick lately?
2. What do you do to pass the time when you're sick?
3. Do you have a job? Like it as much as I do?
4. Any pets you <333? my puppy is a 3 lb. Poodle named Clementine (:
5. How're you feeling today?
6. Want to comment swap?

If you answered yes to 6.. Read Just Stay Here Tonight
It's my newest story, it's a fanfic, so if you don't like those you don't have to swap. I'll read pretty much anything as long as it's not over 3 chapters, as mines only one so far. YOU comment first and I WILL get back to you, and fast too since I'm homebound for a while here.

August 13th, 2011 at 07:49pm