Happiness. That is such an overrated word, just like love. I mean, if you really think about it we say it all the time. “Omg I would really be HAPPY if I had that shirt!!” or “That song makes me feel so HAPPY”

What the crap?!!?! I was talking on the phone with my best friend and we happened to start talking about that, and then it came, like a slap in the face. THE QUESTION: “How do you know if you are truly happy?” You might think I came up with this philosophical, unforgettable answer, well more like the latter. “I have no fucking idea” Marvelous answer wasn’t it?

But then I kept on thinking about it and I fell asleep, I mean it’s a long thinking process. Because how do you know if you are in fact truly happy? Sure, everyone is happy at some points in their lifes. I’m not going to lie, there are moments when I’m with my best friends doing whatever stupid thing we happen to think of and I feel so free spirited. That’s when I can sit, look around, and say WOW! I’m so happy right now. Key word, RIGHT NOW.

There are other times were simply watching a movie or listening to a song makes me happy, you know it makes you feel all jittery and awesome in your little heart when the protagonist kiss or that song talks about how we should live life like there is no tomorrow. But honestly, after that moment is over it all goes back to blah mode. Not saying that after that happy moment you are miserable and ready to kill yourself or anything. But more like emotionless. If you really sit there and think, out of a whole day there are small moments when you are happy, and that is if you’re lucky. Some only experience it every so often. Well, I’ve ranting about happiness for like EVER. The point is after weeks of thinking about it, I came up with this little conclusion. Happiness, we use it like A LOT!! But we don’t always mean it. Buying a new shirt or watching that new movie that just came out might give you joy but not happiness. Because after you have whatever makes you ‘’happy” you’ll just want something else. So that joy is only temporarily. Happiness is more like that insignificant thing you’re doing that has this effect on you that hug that makes you melt. Or just peeling an orange and thinking of nature or heck, maybe even listening to that song that makes you feel free. No one can be happy all twenty-four hours of the day, because seriously that would be creepy. But all those small moments are what make you happy, that’s why old, dying people look back on their lives and they can actually say they were happy. Because all those moments add up together to mean that word., we don’t realize it till we have actually lived a full life, because we are always going to find something else that makes us happy something material and once we get old and all the money and looks are gone, what will be remaining is true happiness.
August 14th, 2011 at 12:12am