oo5. on cheating & being afraid to tell him.

H I would like to start out by saying that I'm writing this on my phone, so please excuse any stupid typos. This is just going to be a quick little ramble... First things first!

I have a good friend named Lloyd, who used to have a mibba before she was banned for having a picture of weed on her layout. Anyway, Lloyd still makes basic html mibba layouts when she's bored. For instance, she coded my current layout. But, yeah, Lloyd is thinking about starting a site to share her layouts called "disregarded layouts". She's already coded a layout for the site and all that, and I'm pretty much just pimping her out right now. I'll post a link when it opens. (:

On a more serious note: cheating. I've had the same boyfriend for a little over three years now, and I love him so fucking much. We've been friends for about six years. We're in a band together. We have all the same friends. We're pretty much inseperable. So, yesterday, I walked up to the bowling alley by my house, and I was sitting outside, smoking a cigarette, when this ridiculously attractive guy comes out to smoke. He can't find his lighter, so he asks to use mine... He's wearing an August Burns Red shirt, so I tell him I like his shirt. Now, I'm a naturally flirty person, and Mitchel, my boyfriend, knows that and has grown not to mind. But, anyway, he comes and sits down next to me and we start talking about music and cigarettes and living in Illinois, and he finishes his cigarette and goes back inside for his little cousins birthday party. I go inside to get a Mountain Dew, and he sees me and smiles and pats the seat next to him. So,I get my Mountain Dew and go sit next to him and we just talked for about an hour before my mom texted me saying I had to come home, so, we got each other's numbers. That night, he called me and we talked for two hours before the flirting got a little heavier. We ended up hooking up over the phone. I want to tell Mitchel, because I feel terrible, but I don't know what I'm supposed to say. "Oh, even though we've been dating for three years and I love you so fucking much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I went and had phone sex with some random dude that I barely know that I met at a bowling alley."
August 14th, 2011 at 05:55pm