oo6. the brothers grimm & fanfiction.

ohhello. so, you guys, i have this friend named lloyd, and she used to have a mibba before she got banned for having a picture of weed on her layout. but, anyway! lloyd owns the complete works of the brothers grimm, and she's decided to take all 215 of the stories in there and write a one-shot based on every single one of them. well... besides the ones she doesn't understand or that won't translate into a one-shot very well. basically, this will range from monologues to romance, from smut to innocent fluff, and have a wide range of fandoms. she's going to be starting out with the first story in the book, "the frog prince", a timeless classic! anyway, she made an lj to post these fics on, and she's decided not to tag it so that only people she gives the link to can read the fics. idk why. lloyd is an odd one. but, yeah. she gave me permission to post the link on here so mibbians can read her stuff. she's an awesome author and i always pimp out her stuff. i'm not going to post the link in this journal, but, i'm re-doing my layout code right now, and i'll put the link in my links section when i'm done and yeah.

if you'd like the link now, just shoot me a message and i'll give it to you. and yeah. if you like my writing style, you'll love hers, 'cause she basically schooled me in how she writes 'cause i was in love with it so much. and yeah. i really just try to replicate her when i write.

but yeah.

i'm excited to read these, youguis.
August 15th, 2011 at 08:21pm