Rant #2

I guess since people actually read this I should start off by saying that I was meant to go to Brooklyn College this fall, so I went a couple of weeks ago to settle in the area a bit and found out that the place I was staying at in Queens, I couldn't stay at anymore. So I had no place to stay. I had to come back to Kansas.

For some reason when I hear about New York City on television or read about it and see pictures of it, I get this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach like I’m hearing about an ex boyfriend that I still have feelings for. It’s actually quite strange. I have a fear that I’m missing out on everything being here even though while I’m in New York it can be kind of desolate to me. There’s a Brand New lyric that I’ve always related to a lot..

"Do you believe you’re missing out? That everything good is happening somewhere else."

Which is always how I feel when I should be in New York but I’m stuck here.
Like being homesick all the time. I'm homesick in Kansas for NYC and I'm homesick in NYC for my family and friends.

I wish there was a place I could go and feel at home and not in a constant limbo. Like I said, I'm sorry if people read this and it doesn't make any sense. But I think that there are probably people out there who can relate (if there's even still people my age on mibba?).

Well there. Hope that was less offensive than the last haha
August 15th, 2011 at 09:40pm