Meh boyy ;P

So a couple days ago I went to this family fun day thing in the town my boyfriend lives in and i hadnt seen him in a while. I saw him there and I wasnt expecting it at all(:

We held hands and walked around and talked ( He has REALLY soft hands by the way.<3)

He was all wet from the wet rides(; aha. But I gave him hugs anyway(:
Then i got all wet.(:
I told him it was alright becuase i liked wet hugs.(; bahaha.

We went in this Bouncy castle obsticle course thing a bunch of times and every time we would go in there he'd tackle me and we'd makeout<3


The only bad thing is he lives in a different town.. D: So I don't get to see him that much.

He makes me so Happy(: I've never felt about a guy like this before. <3

He told me he was going to run away from home and come see me.<3

I Love Him.<3 nuff saidd.
August 15th, 2011 at 10:47pm