About the Gays (and why they're good)

I'm not gay. I'm not lesbian. I'm not bisexual. I'm not transgender.

But I'd rather much be one of them than a homophobe.

Open your damn eyes. Homosexuality is not a sin, it is not a choice, and it's defiantly not wrong. They are one of us, the normal people you could say.

Since were talking about the word normal, let me lecture you about it.

What truly is normal? Normal could be straight. Normal could be gay. Normal could be fat. Normal could be skinny. Normal could be blonde. Normal could be brown. So what the FUCK is normal? Don't answer that. It's a rhetorical question, dumb ass.

Now, back to them being one of us. If you were to line up a bunch of people, and asked to point out the only one gay person from the line, what would you do? You wouldn't have any idea who was gay and who wasn't. They're just like us.

And enough with this HOMOSEXUALITY IS A SIN shit! Can anyone tell me what the FUCK God said about gay people? Don't hand me the bible, that's from the people that wrote it. That is not God's work. And if God thinks homosexuality is a sin, I'm becoming an Atheist. Because then he's wrong.

And I recently found out that apparently in the bible, Homosexuality is a sin and a choice. THE FUCK?! It is not a choice! Fuck, it's not.

Lets say you bought a pink teddy bear. That is a mother fucking choice.

Now lets say you ARE a pink teddy bear. That is not a mother fucking choice.

Come on guys, they're just like us. Leave them alone.

Oh sure, you can complain about how hard your life is and yell at people that make it hard for you.
But gay people can't? Are they suppose to be your own person punching bag to you? Are they a replacement punching bag for you because you were the punching bag that had been worked enough?

Either you homophobes can get help,

or fuck off.

August 16th, 2011 at 06:32am