
I've come to realize that i only write sad stuff.
I mean, i guess i should have realized it sooner than only a few weeks ago, right?
My friends at school always say that I'm a good writer (thought i never believed them).
But until i straight out asked them, they never mentioned that what i write is sad or disturbing.
I just read a comment on one of my poem/songs and all it sad was "so sad".
Thank you for the comment, i really do appreciate it. :)
It makes me have to take a step back and evaluate the situations i place upon myself.
I'm not sure why all i can write is sad stuff.
Its not like my life is all that bad.
I mean, i have problems with family sometimes, people who don't like me, but who doesn't?
I can try writing nice stuff, but it doesn't always work out so well, ya know?
I love writing, though as i said, i feel as though i suck at it.
Maybe i write sad stuff because i have low self-esteem?
Maybe, maybe not.
People say I'm not depressed, just going through normal teen-age stuff.
Normal... What is normal?
Somebody once told me that "Normality only exist in one's own mind."
I think that's true.
So, what if "normal" for me, is sad?
Well, that sucks.
I wish i could write happy stuff.
But I'm messed up.
When i write happy stuff, it makes me sad, and vise-versa.
Strange, huh?
Another reason i feel like a bad writer, is because i don't get inspired often.
I feel like a leech, basing things off other's ideas, not stealing, just... I don't know
I'm gonna go before i mess this up anymore.

If you read this, please comment, it helps me a lot :)
And/or if you want to read anything else i wrote.

August 16th, 2011 at 07:31pm