

Yeah, that's me. Check it.

This is my first journal entry. I have a feeling this will become my diary. I never had a diary before, even though I tried. I'd write once and then forget it and assured myself that it was lame. When I was in middle school I had a notebook about all the boys I had crushed on. It wasn't a very long book. It mostly contained lots of hearts, trying my first name with their surname, more hearts. I would sometimes even write what I liked about them and what they did to make me think they liked me too. I guess I was just so full of puppy love that I was desperate and eager to give some away. Declutter the swamp of affection clogging my heart. Share the wealth. Whatever.

Definitely getting off topic. Do I even have a topic? No. It's just rambling. I'm good at that.

Back to my username. aristocrat;. Sometimes I toy with the idea of changing it--even though I haven't been here long--and what I would change it to.

When I'm wallowing in self-pity, I think it should be more appropriately "travesty;". Ooh. What about "aristocrap;"? Hah...that was so immature. I keep the semi-colon there. I don't know why--I just like it. I'm so stupid I don't even think I fully understand where a semi-colon should be used.

When I'm happy and playful, I think it should be something like "vintage queen" because I swear I was born fifty years late. But at the same time, I think it's both awesome and lame. Maybe it's just awesome! C: Then again, maybe it's just lame.

Still ranting.

I don't have any friends on here. Well, I mean, I have "friends" on here that have approved of my request or visa versa. But I don't really know anyone on here. No one knows my favorite color or my middle name. Or the fact that I had braces for seventh and eighth grade. But I guess that kind of stuff doesn't guarantee friendship. My favorite color is yellow and my middle name is not something I'm proud of.

It's Penelope. That makes me Luella Penelope. One time I shorted it to Lu-Pen--AKA Lupin. Yay for Harry Potter references (if you caught that)!

So by default I'm a werewolf. But like, a real werewolf, not to be confused with Jacob Black. I'm ashamed for even mentioning him, however hot he is. J.K. Rowling is the real deal. The shit. The crust to my pie; fish to my ocean; the "less than" to my 3. I love her. I wanna be her. Like, seriously. I don't even want the glops of money she has. Just her talent and insides and all that makes her the most beautiful and wise and most awesome person I've ever heard of.

I'm rereading all of this and it sounds completely moronic. I'm not fixing it!
August 16th, 2011 at 09:53pm