Guess who's back?

Hey guys, guess who's back!
Yes, you've got it! me! I am back!
Anyway, I was thinking about writing some Harry Potter fanfiction after seeing the last ever HP movie and I've also started reading the books again! I'm going to start writing more poetry and finish of 'Elissa; Over Dramatics' so please keep an eye out for all my future projects. I am also now on Tumblr although I haven't got a clue how to work it, I just want my work to be view by a wider range of people on a larger scale. So, we'll see what happen regarding that! so please follow me and I'll follow you back.
I don't know how this is all going to play out but hopefully something good will come from it.
I'm glad to be back on Mibba and writing again as I have got some proper material and inspiration for my projects.
Thank you for your on going support and kind words and feedback.
August 17th, 2011 at 02:34am