A Broken Heart

Every one says a broken heart is the worst thing in the world.
It hurts like nothing else.
It can kill you.
It tears your soul apart.
And when it's broken you can't think of anything else.

But I'm here to say a broken heart is not the worst thing.
The worse thing in the world is when you don't feel like your self unless you have a broken heart. When you can't even tell when you love someone until they walk out of your life. When you don't even know your happy until your not. When you wish to god every day to make life better, but when things are going good you can't even notice. When all you can feel is sorrow, so when things are happy you feel numb.

Yes, a broken heart hurts like nothing else.
Yes, it can kill you.
Yes, it tears your soul apart.
And, Yes, you can't think of anything else when yours is broken.

But it hurts so much more when you thought it wouldn't. When you thought the one you love was just another person and they could leave and it wouldn't matter. When you didn't even know you loved them.

Unfortunately, if your not sure you love someone, eventually there going to give up on you, and find someone who does know when they love someone. Who can feel the happiness that person brings them, and when they finally do give up on you, and all the pain of a broken heart sets in as they walk away with someone else, your going to know all the love you have for them, and your going to kill yourself thinking of all the happiness they brought you. But it will be to late. They will have moved on. And you will be left behind with the only thing you know how to feel.....

A Broken Heart.
August 17th, 2011 at 05:29am