The look of pure want.

Have you ever had that one awkward moment where a very good looking person is checking you out and the look on his/her face narrates the idea that they want to physically attack you?
It happens to be given only when people are greatly caught in a lustful hunger.
I'm not going to lie-- there's a part of me that has always wanted to make a man feel that way.
I just really didn't think I ever would in my life.
Which brings me to my next point...
I very much enjoy watching someone mentally ravage me.
No, I'm not full of myself.
No, I don't pride myself on having power over another person.
I just truly believe that I finally figured out my own definition of sexy
and I hope I embody that sexiness.
In other words...
I'm confused as fuck because a guy shot me that look this afternoon and I was completely turned on by it.
I could tell.
He wanted my sexy nuts.
No joke.
And I've always been a bit envious of those chicks that would walk right into a room and command every guy's attention and then get it-- i just very much enjoyed my whore-like moment, today.

And, because I feel as if I have wasted your time, here are some questions:

1. What's your definition of sexy?
2. Do you believe that human beings have an innate animalistic instinct when it comes to feeling an attraction for another person?
3. Do you believe that the personality of a person could somehow make them more attractive?
August 17th, 2011 at 08:59am