Stupid Love

So, not only do i write sad stuff, i also write lovey-dovey crap.
Not sure why.
I write sad lovey things, though.
Kinda funny, i think.

Well, a few months i had a shitty boyfriend, but i stayed with him, because, well, i loved him.
I know what you're thinking "She's too young to know love."
But that's a lie, you're never too young for love.
Well, he broke my heart, multiple times, but i stayed with him.
Yeah, i was (am ) an idiot.
Oh, well.
So, yeah, the lovey-dovey poems are because of him.

Maybe i write love stuff because i feel that's as close to truelove as I'll ever get.
I mean, yeah, loving somebody and being "In Love" are two totally different things.
I mean, i still love him, but I'm not in love with him.
Jeez, love is confusing.
Congrats to anybody who's figured it out.

And then, there's this other guy, who said he loved me, but then went back to his ex.
Yeah, that's love!
Her and i are friends, which sucks, because, well, she gets him.
And i can't hate her, though i wish i could.
I hate him though.
For letting me fall in love.
Yes, i will admit to being in love with this one.
He led me on, then threw me aside as if i were nothing but a place holder until he could move on to my friend, his ex.
Well, that's the story of my life, well at least so far.
School starts in a few weeks, we'll see what happens then, huh?

-Please comment, and/or read my others. Thanks, Cayla-
August 17th, 2011 at 06:13pm