Summer Rant 2011

*Deep breath in* Fuck you Portland, fuck you world, fuck you Bjorn!
Portland: Every shop, every store, every cafe can not POSSIBLY NOT be hiring. At least it seems that way. I've ground coffee, I've steamed milk, I've answered phones, I've cleaned human shit off the sides of toilets and STILL, no one will take a second look at the girl in desperate need of a simple job. A job that will allow me to LIVE.
World: Is it so hard to let me be happy, for once? I throw out good karma all the time (excluding this), it would be nice to get some in return. Is it so much to ask for a guy, who likes and is actually interested in me, to come along? Because lately, you've been handing me some shady, creepy guys OR the total fake out. The guy who seems really into you, is super hot, but ends up breaking your heart because he'd rather have a string of one night stands than actually get into a real relationship with you. (I'm talking to you Steve!!)
Bjorn: I've put up with a lot of your crap this year. The slutty girlfriend who hated me, all the sarcastic comments that I manage to ignore and now this. Moving out on me, while I can't seem to catch a break. I'm sorry living with a girl is a total cock block for you, but trust me, she didn't want you as much as you thought she did. And, hey, guess what? The girl you live with, the one who takes your shit, cleans up your shit, may possibly like you more than a roommate should. But you don't care, other wise I'm sure you would have picked up on that by now. Jackass. *sigh*
August 18th, 2011 at 01:07am