Not homeless anymore!

Thats right, Im not homeless anymore. Mom has been given an apartment!
Been homeless for 4 months now, and now Im so glad to say Im not homeless!

And Im starting at a new school, animal school you could say, animal boarding school. Its going to be great there. I going to be co-owner to a dog, and thats great too, cause Im going to take classes in dog behavior and other stuff. And the dog is still a puppy, so Im going to teach its from scratch!
Im so looking forward to that! And Im looking forward to school for the first time ever!
Never thought that would happen, but it is!

And its great that Mom has gotten an apartment, cause if she didnt I would not be able to go the dog class.

I start on Agust the 22, this monday. So now, Im going to turn up the volume and make a playlist and pack. Have a lot to pack, Im going to live there for a year, haha. So I need to go to the attic and check where all my stuff is!

August 18th, 2011 at 03:43pm