Tumblr, School and Questions

I made a new Tumblr! So, I'm in need of a fresh start and new Tumblr followers, If you'd do that for me I would be greatly appreciative. I love Tumblr, I really do and I had one for a good two years, but I kind of forgot about it with stuff that was going on in my life. So I remade one due to the fact that I could not remember the e-mail I used nor the password I had chosen for it. So if you like to spread the Tumblr love around feel free to do it here.

I start school next Tuesday, Senior year. I have six classes but because if block schedueling I have three classes a day which means I get out an hour and a half earlier then everyone else in the school, it's a nice feeling. It's refreshing to have this be my last year, I hear it goes by fast and I'm ready to move on in my life. So hopefully everything goes well.

1: Tumblr?
2: What grade are you in?
3: What's your favorite class subject?
4: How has your summer been?

daniellerryann ( Tumblr)
August 19th, 2011 at 02:04am