Giving Myself a Heartache, Mibba.

I did it, Mibba. Despite the tears and the loss, I did it.

I broke up with my boyfriend today.

I am sad but yet I am relieved because now it gives me the freedom to think. And feel and remake who I am. I love him but I don't know if I'm still in love with him :( Instead I think I'm falling hard for my good friend who has been taking the utmost care of me since he met me. He's made me hand crafted bouquets and has taken me out just to help me thinking and relax. So this has been my question since I met him.

Happiness or Loyalty?

Well, Mibba, after much deliberation..I'm finally choosing Happiness. loyalty hasn't done anything for me these past two years but have caused problems and made me sad. I'm finally taking my future back and going after what makes me happy.


I am so sorry for breaking up with you. For still loving you and wanting you happy but It's time that I gave myself what I need. I don't need sex every day. I need love and comfort. Someone who will hold me up through all this negativity I've been getting. I mean, really. I do love you. I just need to be happy. I'm willing to stay your friend and help you as I've been but this sex, sex, sex thing is over. I will always love you, but I don't think I'm right for you.

The world was right; I was wrong.

I am soooo sorry.
Please...Be happy. <3



You make me soo happy. Ever since I met you I've been the happiest I've ever been in the longest time. You make me smile and laugh. You're easy to communicate with and loving. You held me last night when I cried after pulling the car over. You reminded me that I wasn't alone and that you were still here. I am amazed by how happy I have been since I've met you and realized that I do want that. I want to be happy. I want to smile. I want to laugh and goof and grin. You make me do all of that.

Thank you so much.
But...Please don't be afraid when I say this.

But...I think I'm starting to fall for you.

August 19th, 2011 at 02:49am