we've grown up way too fast.

Here we go; another school year.

I started Mibba right before eighth grade; now I'm a junior in high school. I can't even believe it-it's been four years since I've been on Mibba. Looking back at my first stories (shudder) I can't even believe I used to write like that.

Today was the first day of junior year, the first "first day of school" that I didn't need my parents to drive me. I woke up ten minutes before school, slapped on an outfit, and went to meet all my friends. It was insane; like I hadn't even been gone at all. I thought I'd forgotten my locker combo (we have the same locker for all four years) but the second my hand touched the dial I got it right.

I got my class schedule; I nearly died looking at it. American Government, American History, Economics, and then Morality on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Tuesdays and Thursdays go accordingly-Accelerated American Literature, Algebra 2, College Writing, and Genetics. I have two of the same teachers twice on each days and I have only one lunch with my friends. Also, my friends signed me up for prom committee. On top of all that, I'm practicing for our fall competition on poms and it's hard as hell.

We got out at noon after meeting our teachers; a friend and I went to lunch and back to school for more practice. Needless to say, my legs, butt, hands, and feet are black and blue with bruises. Drops are not. fun.

Anyway, this was one of the lower key first days I've had. There was no stress, no exaggeration. No one really cared that it was the first day.

So school year resolutions-
1. at least a 3.5 GPA. With all my hard classes, this will be a challenge.
2. at least a 27 or higher on the ACT.
3. to get a scout's attention for poms.
4. to be a bamf at ballet this year.
5. finish the original story I've been writing for at least four years and maybe even actually put it on Mibba.

And that's it, really. Nothing new, other than nostalgia. At this time, four years ago, I was writing a journal on Mibba (which probably got deleted) about my nervousness about going into eighth grade. In a year, I'll be applying to college. In two years, I'll actually *be* in college.

We grew up way too fast.
August 19th, 2011 at 06:36am