Justin Bieber, Pictures, and Ashton Kutcher

I was watching some celebirty news thingy on yahoo.com and found out that Justin Bieber is the highest paid teen star. He made $53 MILLION last year. I also found out that Selena made only $5 million, but they are still the highest paid teen couple with a total of $58 million. That's a lot. These are the times I wish I was a celebirty, haha.
Today is one of those days where the mirror tells you your hot, but the camera tells you to go sit in the corner with a bag over your head. Does that happen to anyone else but me? I don't get it. It's just weird. So I put my phone away and not taking anymore pictures today.
So I heard Ashton Kutcher is in trouble with the law, but I don't understand why. If anyone knows, does someone want to explain this to me? I don't quite get it. I think it has something to do with breaking a contract but I'm probably wrong and I have no idea. But it's all over MSN and yahoo today. I wonder if it's going to be on Entertainment Tonight this weekend. We'll see.
So thats about it for now. Comment below, comments are always nice. I don't reply to many but I read all of them. Even if you don't comment, thanks for reading this. Thats nice too. Hope to catch you later, have a good one!
August 19th, 2011 at 11:00pm