I miss summer camp =(

Well It has been almost a month since I left summer camp in which I staffed at for a month and a half. I really miss it Dx. I miss being away from home and away from my family and the drama at my high school. I miss enjoying the freedom that I never had experienced before this summer. Although at first, being away from home was very new and frightening at times, but the longer I was there, the happier I was and the more I liked it. So, coming home really sucked. =/... Don't get me wrong, I missed my friends while I was there, but I made new ones, and when I came home and saw my friends from home, I am starting to really miss the friends I made at summer camp =/.

With my dilemma, there really is no good solution. Most of the people that worked at summer camp live 3 or 4 hours away from where I live so it isn't like I can just go visit them. Ugh.... Well I will just have to wait until next summer and go back. I hope most of the people from this summer go back next year =).
August 20th, 2011 at 07:02am