It's been a while...

Since I've last been on mibba. Don't worry, I didn't have too much of a life... sort of... But I did fall in love with Johnny from Cathrine... and Cha Dong Joo from Can you hear my heart, and it's only because he has a nice personality.

But, what I'm mainly here for is to just get some stuff off of my chest.
1. Me and a friend might not be friends. Been fretting over that for some time.
2. life sucks
3. Me and Johnny will be separated once my brother goes back to college (today...) since he's taking the 360 with him. ):
4. I'm on vacation mother f... yeah.

Anyway, I needed this vacation to just get away from all the BS in life. And everything was all great and dandy... until we got back to the hotel. BTW, I'm with my friend and her family while their at the beach.

But, my friend, she has the worst. And do I mean WORST facebook addiction. THE WHOLE TRIP TO THE BEACH, SHE ASKED HER DAD IF SHE COULD GO ON FACEBOOK. He said no. But she kept asking. and then when she did finally get on, it's like all conversations we were having just stopped.

Like, she seriously has to check it all the effin time. It pisses me off. Like she even tried to use my phone to go on it, but since I'm taking a break from everything, I refused to even open facebook. But I do admit to opening it once. That was it.

Her on the other hand shes either always on it or is always trying to get on it. And it's annoying as f-ck.

She needs help, but she won't get the help.

And she also likes to sing randomly in the car or anywhere. and with long car rides, I get pissed off at any little thing. So her singing really grinded on my nerves.

And then she always burps constantly and never really says excuse me or covers her mouth or anything. UGH.

Like, I'm just so angry. She really pisses me the eff off, but she's my friend. And if she didn't do all those things to piss me off, it'd be great.

And now she just told me she was getting asked out. Over facebook.

How do you say, lame.

All I can say is that it's better to start and end a relationship in person. That's just my opinion.
'Nuff said.

And even her laughing is making me want to punch in my computer screen...

Maybe I have a problem... or maybe she needs to stop being so f-cking annoying.

I dont even have my i pod or my headphone with me either. which makes life a living hell.

And I apologize for the horrible grammatical errors and spelling errors. I'm sort of sitting in an awkward position in the bed and I'm like tired. So forgive it this time.

But for now.... I'm just going to bed before my computer dies. And before I either cry or do something I may regret.
August 20th, 2011 at 08:18am