Our Fellow Hitler.

So I was thinking the other day about the most hated person over the courses of histroy, wondering which of the various baddies would be honored with the title 'worst'. I flitted through the most common, asking various human beings and creating my very own little mental chart.

The result currently beams at you from the very top of this journal post.


It is ofcourse, not within my field of power to add vocal effects such as a thunderclap or wolf howl to the badass name, but believe me, if I could, the very first sound I'd apply is 'AAHHHHHHHH *Gurgle*'. Kindoff the same sound that appears often in Supernatural whenever someone drowns due to the typical water-demon earthqauke drill.

Dont get me wrong, my sarcasm does in no way mean that I belittle the holocaust or hold a hate towards the Jews. But seriously? Hitler isnt as deservant of his whole 'universal', dramatic legacy as most presume. Why?

Because I like his mustache.

Thats the only reason.

Plus, at least you could predict who Hitler killed and who he didnt. He hated the Jews, hence, he set them apart from the population and burned them. He didnt see them as 'his people'. He saw them as a nusaince, because he's a racist douchebag, vampire-wannabe, filthy, blood-sucking, orange-draining, leaf-raking son of a purple ass hole. Good?

Yet, you could some what understand who he considered his people and who he didnt, hence, he justifies his dirty work by excluding them from the rest and deciding to get rid of them. (He could have tossed them into some recycling bin. At least then, they would have awoken the next day to find themselves in the middle of Australia, and they would have built themselves a Jewish country there instead of slaughtering millions of Palestinians for the sake of an empty land. >.>)

Either way, it would have been much easier for the world if Hitler had been a bit smarter and hadnt resorted to violence. Hell, Germany wouldnt have to keep paying loads of money to the Jews if he hadnt. Hitler, you are a crime not only against humanity, but against intelligent tyranny!

Well, not really. Tyrants tend to be stupid. Pfft. Once I rule the world, I'll be sure not to trash that decent amount of IQ I've got and use my brain instead of relying heavily on weapons of mass destruction, big fat fires, and one-slotted toasters.

But still.

Unlike Hitler, most of the tyrants of today slaughter their very own people, regardless of who said people are. You cant really predict WHO they're going to kill, because they'll kill at random! Its a procedure I now call G.A.G.A'S A.S.S, otherwise known as 'Grab A Gun And Shoot Any Sorry Stinker'. Its so weird, man. Its like they dont care who they're shooting. Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Athiest, Hindu, Human, Ape, Caterpillar.

ANYTHING, so long as it bleeds.

Either way, this blog was essentially made to commend Hitler, not lecture him. Not because hes an inhumane jackass, no, not at all, but because he has style. His mustache is awesome. Admit it. Even you, Jewish folk. ADMIT IT.

I mean, how many guys with such a mustache do you see nowadays?

No one!!

It looks amazing. Like a hairy piece of candy stuck to his nose. I dont know how he came up with it. Maybe he was inspired by Cat Woman's frequent hair balls. Or maybe he got jealous of Canadian moose.

I dont know his intentions. He might have thought it looked intimidating or something.


I like it. Its the most peculiar thing I've ever seen. Maybe if we crossed Hitler's mustache and Lady Gaga's clothing we'd get a blob of alien goo. TALKING alien goo. Goo that can spell the word 'Phantasmagoric' ten times.
With its mouth closed.

You know, I have a bad feeling about the whole holocaust thing. Everytime I think about it, I come to the belief that there will be a second holocaust in the future. Not necessarily the near-future, just the future in general.

And that this time, its the Jews that are going to play Hitler. And...The rest of us are gonna play the coal. o.o

So says me. Its nothing major, just one of those gut-clenching feelings. Like the sixth sense. Maybe the Jews want revenge. Maybe the polka-dotted alien mafia arent the only ones who despise the human race. Maybe the Jews will team up with E.T and they'll bombard the planet with Mammoth-Urine-Bombs. (Highly explosive material, by the way.)

Maybe New Earth will be populated only by Jews and slimy mermaids.


Oh dear, dear, dear.

What are we to do? D:

=====This material was not intended to be offensive, and I am not liable to any hard feeling caused by this journal entry. Have a big heart, folks. And a big chest to fit it in. And that does in no way include a big bra, fellow women, in case you use that as an excuse of some sort.===========

Thank you, dear audiance. *Bows*

August 20th, 2011 at 05:43pm