F*ck you, Rick Perry. F*ck you.

That's right, mister. F*ck you and the social changes you want to make to the Constitution. I do not pretend to understand the changes you propose to limit federal spending and curb judicial power; I'll leave that for someone who is studying history and politics to care about. I probably should start to understand it, but I'm nineteen. I have my entire lifetime to know how all this government stuff works and affects me.

But godd*mn it, one thing I do know about and care about is our society. I cannot stand that you want to make gay marriage and abortions illegal for ALL FIFTY STATES.

I'm telling you right now: New Hampshire will never listen to your crazy a*s. We have been voted the "most free" state, and godd*mn it, we're going to stay this way! Our motto is "live free or die". If you ever get any power that affects anyone outside of your state, we'd rather die than have you as our president.

I can't believe you use the excuse that it is "so important... to the soul of this country and the tranditional values of our founding fathers." Looks like someone didn't go to history class because our founding fathers lived over two hundred and thirty years ago! The "traditional values" of men back then included protecting slavery, having no rights for women, and impregnating servants and not doing a d*mn thing to take responsibility for it! It is not the eighteenth century anymore; it's the twenty-first. In case you don't know how countries grow, they progress forward. Beyond the limitations of the past. Even before the American Constitution, there were despots in Europe who were implementing educational reforms, abolishing serfdom, and outlawing torture.

Why can't we follow that example and let go of things that have held us back? At that time, those things- no education, serfdom, and torture- were seen as instrumental for the health of a country and its power in the world. But the despots still listened to Enlightened philosophers and were intelligent and reasonable beyond anyone who had come before them. You wanna know where that got those European countries? To the most free place they have ever been in history. Life is so much better because of what those monarchs did.

These current issues, like educational budgets, rights for minorities, gay marriage, and the right to choose, those are what concern me.

I know you said that you respect a state's right to choose in these cases, but some already have, like New Hampshire and New York. Do not take that progress away from us. Do not bar any other state from taking similar steps in the future should they so choose.

As for abortion, that is your personal choice. I wouldn't have one myself, but whether or not it is illegal, women will still find backdoor ways to do it. Illegal, unsafe ways that will end up killing both the child and the mother. Keeping it legal saves lives because it's going to happen whether you like it or not.

I personally think you're trying to impose your Christian ideals upon far too many people. Christianity seems to work for you; that's fantastic! I have nothing against it. I only get extremely offended when people think that it is within their right to force those opinions upon me through the law or verbally. This is not a solely Christian country, and it will never be one.

America is the land of the free. You'll do well to remember that.

This is where I found the quote and information I ranted about.

Warning: This was a rant. I do not care for arguments or debates; that is why the comments are disabled. Write your own journal about any of the issues I brought up if you want to talk to someone about it.

I'm sorry, I just don't like fighting in journals. :/ I do respect your opinion, but this was more for me to let out a lot of anger and annoyance.
August 20th, 2011 at 07:17pm