Why I've Been Gone.

So... I've been gone for a bit. Well, for a long time, actually.

This is mostly a result of me becoming very depressed, and falling into that haze one gets into when they've lost who they are, which I did for a long time.

I was wrapped up in school, Tumblr, a never-ending identity crisis, and self harm that almost spiraled out of control. Of course, all these things are still involved in my life, but I'm not wrapped up in them, per say.

I put down the pen and stopped typing because writing could no longer take me away. It couldn't empty my mind, or at least organize my thoughts anymore. All I could do was ramble on about an exaggerated version of my selfish, weak mind.

Obviously, I've done a lot of growing up since. I went to camp, and my life didn't drastically change, but it did alter my mind a bit. For the better, obviously.

So, talk to me, Mibba! I've missed you so much!

August 20th, 2011 at 07:52pm