Dear Keyboard, I'm sorry...

Yes... I am indeed wallowing in my own regret. I shouldn't have done this to you. I truly didn't mean to. You believe me don't you... Please keyboard... Keyboard of my beloved laptop forgive me.
I sat down with the most sincere intention of typing something of which you would be proud! I really did but, I know this isn't an acceptable excuse! It's truly not my fault though... I have such wanderings that I long to pour out into the cyber world but... I can't... It's not my fault... It's his... My concentration has failed me... He follows me into my thoughts... Okay! I admit this is an understatement... He's all I find myself thinking about despite my wishes to banish thoughts of him completely! He's the reason that though I continue to gaze at a beige wall I feel as though I'm looking upon the seas of which there is no end... Damn you... Only a fortnight ago you had me falling asleep with your name on my lips to keep the smile you inspired company.... And tonight you make it impossible to find any rest... What will become of me... What will become of us... Damn you.... Yet once again.... How dare you cause me to morph into this ridiculous romantic... If I can help it this will be my last entry wasted on you and my keyboard will never feel such neglect again.
August 21st, 2011 at 09:13am