New Years

Ok so this is what happened on new years
My cuz had came over I am a cuple of months older and we are hella close so are our moms so our moms had went out and we was mad because they got to go out and party and shit when we dident then I remembered my mom had some weed honey and we decided to walk to the store but it was close and we wanted some cigarettes and this gut asked us if ween went to this party and we said know so we started talking then we walked so me and my cuz was like we should ask him to buy us some so I flag his car down and asked him to he said yah and asked us if we wanted to ride with him to the gas's station we said no we would meet him there since it was right down the street so we had walked there and he came out and was like how old are you guys and do you smoke we lied and said we was 16 and he got us some kools so we was like thx and left and went back home then I remembered that my mom had a bottle of vodka in the freezer so I had got it out and we started taking shots and smoking but we weren't feeling the buzz to we was almost done with the bottle then everything went from funny to falling down and lolz our ass of we was fucked up good time so then I was like o shit we done drunk the hole bottle of vodka so I had put some water in it to fill it back up there was only like 3'in left of vodka and the rest was water so them I was like we should go to bed so we can sleep this off once we get in my room my cuz starts throwing up all over my floor so I was like dam ima b in so much tuble so I had got some soap and tide and tried to clean it up while trying to stay awake
she had got grounded and
I had got yelled at for drink all mom mom vodka and for the throw up
I learnt my lesson not to drink it straight and not on a empty stomach

Do you have any drunk stories
August 21st, 2011 at 10:24am