Halfway done with that doodle..

equally as confusing better view

I have no idea what's going on in this picture LOLOLOL.
But anyway, this was what I started yesterday. It's just an idea that I started to draw, it's nothing serious and.. as you can see, I don't take it seriously.
What I did take seriously was the SPECKLING oh my god. I hate speckling because it's so tedious. It makes things look cool but.. speckling ahjhgdghgkhh.

I have this issue when it comes to drawing, I'm usually not as particular with paints or clay, but whenever I draw I really need to use a super-thin pen. I detest pencil and markers (well, I color with my copics but, drawing with them? merhehrehr).
I finally have found a brand of pens that are significantly cheaper than Sakura pens, and last SIGNIFICANTLY LONGER (because they literally last me three days) than the Faber Castell pens.
And it's not even an art pen. It's a regular 'ol Pilot pen. Pilot is my favorite pen brand, heuheuheu~

Well anyway, if you couldn't tell in that picture, I have severe bedhead :p
I should probably clean myself up, then start up my old doodle tumblr, maybe haha.

:P This face irritates me beyond belief.
:p I can somehow tolerate when it's lowercase.


AHAHAH I was searching through my doodle tumblr, and I stumbled upon this entry:
This was WAY before I started dating Olivia. I remember the day so clearly it's HILARIOUS you don't understand hahaha!
By the way, kudos for girls who wear eyeliner. Shit hurts.
August 21st, 2011 at 10:09pm