(I don't really like saying names, so I just put blank spots)

My BEST FRIEND. Why does she do this to me??? I was in love with my best friend. Even after EVERYTHING he put me through. I finally stopped liking him, and I started to like another guy. It feels SO good not to be in love with your best guy friend. But then, my best friend tells me she likes the guy I like. My heart sank to my stomace. And then, to make things worse, he asked her out. My heart shot up into my throat.
She said no. But, this is what she said to me. "You can have him, but when (best guy friend) and (his girlfriend) break up, can I have him???" Oh. My. God. WHY DOES SHE HAVE TO LIKE EVERY SINGLE GUY THAT I LIKE???? SHE KNEW THAT I WAS IN LOVE WITH HIM! AND SHE EVEN KNEW EVERYTHING HE PUT ME THROUGH! AND SHE STILL LIKES HIM! Me: You like him?? Her: Yeah, I've liked him since December. Wow. Way to tell me. I can't believe she is doing this to me. It's so annoying how she has to like everyone I like, and she has to do everything I do, and she has to get everything I get. I'm sick of it, and I can't keep it in for much longer. Sooner or later, I'm going to break and just scream at her.
August 22nd, 2011 at 12:35am