
Emily is one of my closest best friends and probably one of the coolest people I know (even if she can be a real geek sometimes, but that makes two of us!)

I have the motivation to write this mainly because she believes that she is not perfect in anyway humanly possible. And I said I could argue with that statement.

Emily is beautiful (no homo) and I can't really lie either, because I usually sometimes wish I could be like her. One of the prettiest combinations on earth is dark hair and blue eyes, which Emily has both of. When I was little I always used to say I was going to dye my hair dark brown. I thought it would work out, but then when I hit sixth grade my eyes faded from a blue to a green. Oh well. She has beautiful clear skin, and the amazing part is that she hardly ever wears a speck of makeup. Only certain people can be gifted enough to look as beautiful as she does when not wearing makeup.

She is extremely talented, and is WAY smarter than me and probably one of the smartest people in our class. She gets straight A's, and I really have no clue how she does it. She can do all these really cool things that I can't do as well! She can do that cool string trick thingy where she can make these little tea cup shapes and a cat's cradle. She can also manage to climb trees without crying, screaming, or falling out and breaking every bone in her body. She is definitely braver than me and other people when it comes to most things. She was probably the first one to encourage me to climb trees and stuff in the first place, which I still can never figure out. She can play sports and can throw a baseball/softball more than five feet in front of her which amazes me. She can speak very good Spanish, and will probably be able to order food in a REAL Mexican restaurant someday without even having any trouble. She is really the only person in our whole class that doesn't have issues learning or speaking Spanish.

One of her number one talents would be art. She can draw and paint beautifully and is one of the best artists in the class and let alone the whole school. I have seen some of the paintings that she has done and they are so well done! And I swear to God if Kenny gets best artist in next year's yearbook I will take all of his Percy Jackson books and his hatchet and shove it up his ass! Actually, if anyone that isn't Emily gets best artist I will be as pissed as hell!

Not very many people know this, but ever since I have known Emily I am not afraid to do certain things. Like for an example sit in the middle of the floor during gym class, or sit in the middle of a doorway, or go skipping down the hallway singing the Wizard of Oz. She made me emotionally stronger and less afraid emotionally and I have to thank her for that.

And mostly, she is so kind. She somehow manages to not judge all of my weird issues and my quirks like most others do. Emily can still stand up for herself and be kind at the same time making her even more special. She can always make me laugh even when I'm in the worst situation possible, and she always encourages me to do things I would never do. She still encourages me to try dancing at school dances, or to go into a store in the mall I wouldn't dare step into, or even actually tries to encourage me to participate in gym class.

Over the years I have known her, she has helped me, the crotchety old turtle, step out of its shell and I thank her for that. In fifth grade I probably wouldn't be doing half as much stuff as I am now or even having as much fun.

She reads like a machine and it sometimes scares me! And if you think you can read fast, you have NOT seen Emily. She had read novels in less than twenty-four hours tops and it amazes everyone, not just me. It's probably the reason why she's so smart. In a way, she's like my personal book criteria because I always ask about the hundreds of books she reads every week and she tells me which ones were good and then I usually read the same ones after.

She is extremely creative and is overfilled with great ideas for things. I can tell her pretty much anything and I actually think there isn't a thing that I haven't told her. The best part is, is that I can trust her and if a man with a gun came up to her and asked her to tell him all my secrets she probably wouldn't except I would make her because if she died I would probably never be able to live ever again.

So Emily, I want you to know that nobody is perfect, but the thing is you always seem to be able to prove that statement wrong.
August 22nd, 2011 at 06:14pm