There is a difference between flattery and obsession.

Keep in mind this is, however truthful, a rant.

It seems I can only wish people would see that before they made the choice to hide their ugly personality with a "better-looking" person's face.
Where does it make you feel better when you fake someone?
When you realize you stole another person's identity to feed your weak ability to face the world?
OR is it to gain recognition for being a complete twat?

I don't know, I'm asking you.

It is honestly one of the most disgusting things I have experienced.
You do know that they aren't real, right? You do understand that your "friends" you make for yourself to show off to the world AREN'T EVER going to exist out of the internet?
I did a little experiment a while back when I was still on Gaia.
I plucked a picture off of tumblr, the first one I could find of any somethingorother guy that had long hair on my dashboard and put it in my signature instead of my own face.
Hiding behind someone else made me feel cowardly. When I was caught, I was aware that it would happen but I still felt as if I should have been ashamed of myself.
Is that how you feel? If you feel this way, then why do it?
I'm not the best looking person but even I have found a fake of myself. It was hilarious because it was on vampirefreaks, but nonetheless I wanted to take them down. I wanted them to know that that kind of misuse of an individual wasn't right.
They eventually deleted, but.. in this day and age.. what do words do for us? I get the feeling that I was just lucky that they were spooked. But what if they were persistent?

I honestly... like.. I consider myself a pretty open minded person but what I will never be able to wrap my head around is when you go prancing around impersonating people. I feel like I can never put a picture up on another side besides facebook without some sort of watermark.

I feel bad for the "internet famous" people. Look at the Rolling Stones article on Kiki Kannibal. She can't even hold a facebook account without being mistaken for a fake and having her profile banned. The Jamie Ryan guy on tumblr, he said there was a case where a fake of him held a relationship with one girl, then turned their back on her and her friends and now they hate him, instead of hating his fake.

What are the benefits? Can you answer me this?
August 22nd, 2011 at 09:19pm