I'm Ugly (don't read my rant please its dumb)

So lately, I've been flirting alot. Why you ask? Because I went to a party with my friend Brooke and everyone was with someone, well mostly everyone. Even Brooke had a date, and she got out of the slammer like three weeks ago. I'm pretty jealous because he's hot.
I feel ugly. I don't have a boyfriend. And I haven't had one for awhile. Now I'm sad. But on the bright side I've been finding cute guys here, and I've been trying to flirt with them. The down side is that half of them (the cutest one included) are gay, meaning I have no shot. Darn. But it's all just fun online, I'm not one thats all about internet safety shit. It's not like I'm giving out anything personal like a phone number or anything, or even facebook. I don't do anything or give out anything so it's perfectly fine I think.
So yeah, not much to say besides I'm ugly. I look the part, and feel it too. Thats all. Bye.
August 23rd, 2011 at 03:31am