
I was goosed.

I like turtles. I find them cute, crawling around in a shell and all that. They are also nostalgic for me since I grew up watching TMNT with my little brother.

I remember having one of those grow-in-water eggs which grew into a fake turtle. I made a little habitat for it and I believe I calling it Leo.

Why yes, I did have a lot of time on my hands when I was younger. Still do, but that may change when school kicks back in.

Only I won't see her in the school year this time, and that makes my heart ache.

And combined that with the picture I saw on Tumblr, now I'm in quite the somber mood. :(

Ah well; such is life. We have to deal with ups and downs, unsure of what the roller coaster of existence will end and what will happen on the way. Maybe at the end we'll have cotton candy with the people who weren't able to enjoy the coaster with us all the way. But you just never know until the rides over.

Stay safe, my beloved Mibbians.
August 23rd, 2011 at 05:18am