A Random Rant (DONT READ THIS)

I woke up this morning, watched some Family Guy (I love that show, I want to keep Stewie in my house) and that ended up being the first three hours of my day. Later, my brother told me that Ashton Kutcher was replacing Charlie Sheen on Two and a Half Men, which suprised me. Apparently I am the only person in the world who didn't know it. My grandpa already knew. It was kind of embarassing.
I logged onto mibba and was harassed by some chick about my spelling. She cussed me out in my inbox because I wrote on someone's profile 'u' instead of 'you'. I understand that grammar is a rule, and I wouldn't have minded if she just simply said 'hey its against the rules to use bad grammar and spelling' but was there really a need to send me a five paragraph complaint and cuss me out? I don't think so. Some people need to get a life. Everyone breaks some rules. And this one was an accident too. I didn't mean to.
I wrote my first poem that I've ever written, unless if it was for an english assignment. It was kind of hard really. I hope you can get a chance to read it, but you don't have to if you don't want to. I put a lot of effort into it, because it's for my mom.
I chatted with a couple people, sent friend requests to a few random people, went friends-list hopping, and did some profile creeping here on mibba. It's quite a fun way to spend a boring, lazy day when you have nothing else to do. Don't tell me it's weird because I know you do it to, maybe not on here, but you profile creep. Everyone does. People who say they don't, are liars. Unless they don't have internet. But who doesn't have internet?
I noticed when I put 'DONT READ THIS' in all capitals in the title, I get more views on my journals, so I decided to do it again. You people don't like to follow directions, do you? Don't worry, I still love you. I don't either. I would have probably read this too. The truth is, when you tell someone not to do something it makes them want to do it more. It's a fact of life, lets get used to it.
Since it's almost two in the morning, and I lost track of time, I better get going to bed. I'm tired anyway. I will see all of you (or at least talk to the people who want to talk to me) tommorow. Thanks for reading and not following my directions, I honestly appreciate it. Have a nice night, (or day where ever it is you happen to be right now) and I hope to chat tommorow. Hope your monday was alright. Sweet dreamsmy amazing readers. Goodnight!
August 23rd, 2011 at 07:55am