*POKE* My Little Way Of Saying Hello...

So lately things around mibba have gotten pretty boring. So I decided to try to meet some new people, which is kind of hard to do. Unless you poke! So what I've been doing is going to the forums, and you know where they have a list of everyone who is online and links to their profile? I've been clicking random users and just poking them. So if you've been poked, congrats I noticed you!
If you haven't been poked, don't cry! I'm still 'poking around' (haha see what I did there?) I know what you're thinking. "You sound really creepy!" Well I'm not, alright,? That spambot that was on here demanding to be friends a long time ago was creepy. I'm just poking you. I'm not asking for your phone number and email like that. That was just creepy.
That's all I wanted to say. Have a good one, stay in school, don't forget to eat your cheese. Bye my mibba loves!
August 23rd, 2011 at 07:03pm