Vacation, Pointless Chatter, Comment Swap, and The First Journal Question!

Well, right now it's about two o'clock and I haven't gotten up to do anything but grab something to eat for breakfast from the pantry. I guess the best thing to do would be to get up and get dressed and put on my makeup or something. That's what I'm about to do after I finish writing this journal. As an obsessive journal writer here, I thought it was important to let you know every aspect of what I do everyday, although the majority of you aren't going to give a shit and forget you read this whole thing in about five minutes. I don't blame you.
I also have to pack for my trip. My family and I are going to Chicago for the week next week, and on the way back were going to an amusement park called Michigan's Adventure. It's going to be a blast, and I can't wait to journal about everything when I come back. Maybe I'll have something worthwhile for you to read then, because most of my journals are pointless and stupid and remind you of the same things every time I write one.
So that's good news. I have this little bug flying around my room right now, and it's bothering the shit out of me and when I try to swat it, it just moves out of the way. I have bugs. I'm deathly afraid of msot of them, especially spiders and centipedes. Those are the worst. I'm actually scared of a lot of things, and I'd write them all down but then I thought that would make a good journal topic for later today. Be sure to check for that today because I'll definatley be writing it later.
I have my first poem out, and if you'd like to read it , it's on my profile. It's called 'Dear Mom' and I hope you read it and comment. If you comment on it, I'll comment on your stuff. Comment Swap! I promised you I'd have a comment swap, so tell me what you'd like me to comment on, and I'll comment as soon as you comment on 'Dear Mom' thanks guys!
So that's all I've got to say for now. Check that out, it would be really cool of you. I hope to catch you later. WAIT! I forgot something. I want to put a question with every journal from now on, when I was looking at other people's journals they got the most comments from questions, so that's something I'd like to try. Now I'm done. See you later! Have a good one!

If you could have three wishes granted what would they be?
August 23rd, 2011 at 07:55pm