
Yeah, today isn't the best day I've ever had. It's not that anything bad happened to me, I'm just in a shitty mood, thats all. When I'm in a shitty mood I swear. In my journals I had the word fuck in the title. Don't tell me what words I can and can't put in my titles. Theyre my titles. Deal with it, because people who hate on it aren't worth my time and what they say isn't going to do shit. They might as well take a hike. Off a cliff.
That got a bit out of hand, but I don't really give a shit. I might be coming down with a fever, I hope not. It would suck to be sick during any part of summer vacation, and I'm still on mine. I have two nice, sunny weeks left. I also get out for summer before most schools too. It's a law in Michigan that public schools can't start until after labor day. I love Michigan laws. It would kind of suck to go to school anywhere but a Michigan public school. Just saying. No offense.
When I say shit like that, I hope you don't take offense. It's not intended. I do it a lot when I'm pissed. People just have to deal with me when they read my journals. Sometimes if people make me even more pissed I bitch them out like theres no tommorow.
That's it. I've been journaling a lot lately. Oh well, I guess I'm just cool like that. Have a good one!
August 23rd, 2011 at 09:50pm