
It's my belief that we all see an entirely different world. No, I am not referring to our personal beliefs or optimism etc. I we all literally SEE a different world as in that sense we have called sight.
If other senses can be different depending on the person why can't our sight differ? Our taste buds enjoy different taste and we like different scents. So why should our sight be any different? Exactly! It isn't! What an awesome thing to realize!! Haha! Back to the subject now! So, think back to when you were being taught 'your' colours( yet another reason I think we see different colours why else would there be such a phrase hmm?). Did you see a certain colour and just automatically assign a colours name to it? Nope! Some parent/ caretaker/ whatever would point to an object and say something along the lines of 'This is blue. Can you say blue? Yay! Good job!' Thus, through repetition we learned our colours. If this is true doesn't that mean that my blue could be your red? Or yellow?
Say we do all see different colours- that would also explain parts of our personalities. Why do I think this? Because we assign colours with certain feelings/ thoughts/ etc. When you see blue you most likely think of calm,sad,cold,etc. But if you're blue is my red which most assign with passion,warmth,etc then anything of that colour would have a different affect on you than it would on me. Which cold be why I love the sky and the ocean while you might not think they're anything special. It could also go with why some like cloudy days and others are in unhappy moods on a cloudy day.
Think about it. You'll never really know will you :)
August 23rd, 2011 at 11:51pm