First day of second week of school and I crack my freaking screen

I'll just start this out by saying I'm the kind of person who likes to take good care of her personal possessions, especially the ones I use on a daily basis. I always see those girls with like totally effed up screens, and then they seem like they like it. I always used to tell myself that that would never be me. Well....gravity thought otherwise.

My 2 and ahlaf year old baby 3GS iphone is all....cracky now..... and it's really sad.
But I'm ok.

Beyond that....I'm just....floating. My entire life I've been a know, just going along to get along? But during middle school there was all that dumb drama and last year (freshman year) I was just learning how to swim. But now I'm just floating.
I'm at a really happy and content place in my life, even if school demands a little more of my brain energy then I'd like. And the more I take notice of my surroundings and my life, the more I take mental note of the people around me and the way human interactions work. We all abide in such a delicate confinement. We wake up, we have food, we have water, we relieve our selves, we have electricity, we have music, we have central heating and AC, we have paper and gas and oxygen and health. And jesus do we take it for granted.

So for right now I'm on a self journey. And it's taking me places I find very challenging. But I think I'm ready.

Sorry. Sort of a random journal. Thanks for reading :)

P.S My 12 year old brother got my dad hooked on Avatar the last airbender.....most.hilarious.thing.ever.
August 24th, 2011 at 04:11am