The Most Mortifying Thing Thats Ever Happened In My Life Happened Today.

Well, I don't usually like to talk about non-happy and deep topics with people but I thought it would be good too get my feelings out, you know? It makes things worse when you keep sadness to yourself for a really long time. So here it goes.
When it comes to school, I'm the person everyone tries to avoid, unless you're a friend I've had for years. I don't know what it is, maybe it's the piercings or my clothes or my hair but whatever it is, I watch people take the long way out of the cafeteria to avoid me. It happens to some of my friends too. I don't get it, why am I so...hated? People treat me at school like I have leperacy and I'm contagious or something. I don't get it.
If you read my last journal, I got a call today from someone who pretended to be my friend (a preppy-like popular) and she threw a party and invited about everyone I knew except for me. She called with her phone on speaker calling me nasty things and said I was a freak f nature and an idiot to think that she actually would have wanted to hangout with me. I cry easy, but not infront of people. Today I cried on the phone for almost everyone I knew to hear. It was probably the most mortifying thing that's ever happened to me in my entire life.
Theres nothing anyone can do to stop people from being mean, if you're not what they want they are going to chew you up and spit you out because thats the way life goes in highschool. Thank god I'm almost done with it.
Honestly, I'm terrified of goingback to school. This is going to be what everyone's talking about. How Leda cried on the phone and was tricked by Jenny. I want to hide under a rock. I can't stop thinking about it. Advice anyone?
August 24th, 2011 at 08:31am