Thirty day challenge: day one.(:

Your current relationship status. If you are single, explain how life is.

Relationship status: {<3} siNGlE. { } cufFED.

Hmm. Well...I'm honestly not too worried about it. In the summer at least around here) almost everyones single, because alot of tourists come down, and everyone trys to flirt with them. Besides me. I've just kinda been watching all these people waist there time. I don't beleive in love. Crazy to hear from someone whos never been in love, right? But I've witnessed it too many times, and it never really works out. I haven't really been crushing on anyone either, other than saying "oh he's cute." Ans I've honestly never had a guy who I like, acctually like me back. All the guys I dated liked me first. Dumb. Hey, I did just see a movie today called 'crazy stupid love' and that's exactly it. Crazy; stupid; love. :)
August 24th, 2011 at 10:39am