I lost the last precious thing to me..

It's August 24,2011. A month ago today is when I lost my child innocence.

I know it's probably kinda weird posting this on a public website where everybody can see it. But I need to get this out..I don't really wanna tell others. :/

I was at one of my best guy friends houses with a few other friends.We were all watching a movie and talking.Having a good time like friends would do when hanging out. As the night went on everyone started going home,except me. I stayed the night cause I had gotten in an arugement with my mom and yeah she kicked me out,but that's getting off subject. We was laying down in his room and all of sudden,he just started kissing me..And for some reason I kissed him back. He's like my best guy friend..Why would I kiss him? It was awkward.

As things kept progressing it led into another thing,than another,until well what I least expected to happen,happened.

After that night I couldn't stop showering. I felt so dirty and uncomfortable.I couldn't believe I let myself have...Sex with my best guy friend..I really couldn't.

This summer I had a great time and didn't regret anything until that night.And now..I feel like I lost the last precious thing to me :/ And I wanted to save it for someone special,now I'm living with the fact that I can't...And I regret it to this day.
August 24th, 2011 at 05:40pm