Just cause your half naked doesn't mean I'll get it on with you. SELF RESPECT WOMAN.

So, Yes I'm ranting v.v; I've discovered that journals are a wonderful way to rant about my day and whatnot. Today is not so good of a rant~

SO....Let's begin.

I go out with a few friends to a party and not a a quiet little one in the living room, but a wild party. Well not wild, wild...But hype ok xD

I like going to parties and all but...oh dear, the girls there.

I don't know if it's because it makes them feel better inside or something, but it's like they were wearing nothing. Why not just wear nothing? Seriously -.-

I mean it's fine if it's just because it's your style, you feel comfy wearing them etc etc

but it was obvious what these girls' intentions were. And I hate that they do that to themselves -.-

What's the point in selling off your body like that? I just hope you know no ones looking at you but at your freaking boobs that are all out there.

You'd think a girl would want a guy who likes her for her and not her looks?? If so then why dress half naked >:/

But so this girl came up to me wearing SCRAPS of clothing, and started grinding up on me...So I kindly told her to gtfo c: She continued to bother me and of course tried tempting me and put my arms around her waist and all this other nonsense and she was annoying me so I told her bluntly.

I don't like girls who wear almost nothing and I don't see why they do it. The only thing that gets you is in bed with a guy who probably won't even remember you the next day.

And her reply?

Oh, I'm not dressed like this just because...it's because I wanna find a guy who will ignore the clothes and love me for me.


I won't elaborate on how retarded of an answer that was. All I know is I left the party and had my own ;D

I'm not saying all girls who are a little showy are like that, but it just bothers me when they dress like that because of other intentions. I mean, if you don't think you can get a guy without having to sell off your body like that, then what difference does it make it when you do sell it off? Either way, he's not looking at you.

Gah I just wanna tell all the girls in the world that they don't need all that Dx

I know I may seem a little lame now...complaining about that LOL Like an old man ;~; But I'm just being honest...

I wanna respect girls but how can I possibly do that if they don't respect themselves? Really.

And...well...I'd take that quiet girl in a t-shirt and sweats over that wild girl in a mini skirt and tube top any day.

Hope this didn't offend anyone in anyways. Sora means no harm.

Cause I love all girls <3 ;D Just saying.
August 25th, 2011 at 01:20am