First Paycheck & It Feel So Good

Hell yeah, that's right. Today I received my first paycheck through the mail.


That's me^ holding up my first paycheck. As you can see, I'm pretty excited.
It's only for $100.00, but whatever.

Now, you may be wondering what I did to earn these 100 dollars. I'll tell you, and show you!

So I live in Cali, aka, Earthquake Country. My AP Environmental, Honors Chemistry, and soon to be AP Chemistry teacher offered me and a couple of my friends a paid summer internship with a local university. All we had to do was show up at school at around 6am for 5 days over the summer. From there we would all carpool to California State University of San Bernadino (a thirty minute ride from our high school).

It was super fun! We had to learn how / why earthquakes occurred. We were taken on several road trips throughout Southern California. Our teacher brought TONS of food, so all we did was sit in the car, eat, talk, laugh, prank call people, and typical girl stuff:) It was easily the highlight of my summer.

Oh, and we were featured in our city's newspaper. A photographer came out to watch us in action as we did field research. With that said, our field research was basically setting up a satellite reader that would record the earth's movements along the San Andrea's fault line where we live. I just have to add that during this time, we seriously sat there and had a Harry Potter Movie Marathon!

Now here are some pictures:

During our HP Movie Marathon.

Here we are with our teacher, at our research site, can you see the satellite in the background? Sorry It's so small:/

That is it for the pictures, folks.

:D Have a great day.
August 25th, 2011 at 02:07am