My summer in a short.

Well it's coming to an end, so I figured I'd tell you a little about it.(:

To make it easier, I'm going to go by month and pull out the highlights.

June- Got played numerous times. My ex-best friend fanegled her way into getting me to trust her again. My idiotic, naive self did, and it turned out bad, bad, BAD. She wants to fight me again. >.<
I also got played by a boy. I grew up with him, and I'd liked him for a while. He asked me out..I said yes. Then he wanted to hook up. I said yes. Then he wanted me to send him pictures. I said no, and he broke up with me. But he still wanted to hook up. I said yes. Then the day came around, and he told me he didn't want to because he had a girlfriend.
I felt so dumb. Why do I fucking trust ANYONE?!

July- July 20th was my 13th birthday. I went to youthgroup, and 3 other kids there had their birthday too. We had cake. This 16 year old boy gave me a stuffed monkey with $20 in it. I think he likes me, because I don't know him like that, and he didn't give a gift to anyone else who had a birthday.
My birthday present were tickets to warped tour the next day.
It was my first time ever going to warped tour. I was stoked! I got to see my favorite bands: 3OH!3<333;the ready set, BOTDF, abandon all ships, asking alexandria<3, reliant k, gym class heroes...but my sister wanted to leave early so I missed Black Veil Brides! Fuck that. -__-

August- nothing interesting happened, besides I quit cheerleading. I found out Taylor had been hacking my facebook and she asked out some random guy on my account...god damn bitch. And I woke up to an earthquake the other day.. But it was small. No damage. No one down near me got hurt. And I found out I'm going to the honda civic tour September 17th..LESS THAN A MONTH!!!!! :D

Well I kinda had a borong summer...but it was very dramatic. Thabks for reading.(: <3
August 25th, 2011 at 04:06am