Aslan Is A Horrible Ruler.

I mean, seriously? He could fix things so easily, and he's supposed to be this great king of Narnia and all, but he just let's them scramble around, dying and killing each other. Then, he comes in at the end, and he's like, "I could've fixed this the whole time if I had wanted to! Watch me growl and fix everything in three seconds!"

And, yes, before you say it, I know it's a metaphor for God, and how He wants us to fix our problems ourselves, and He's merely there to guide us. But I'm not talking about that. I'm talking from a strictly plot-line view. As a child's movie, where they won't make that horribly obvious connection as easily as the rest of us, they're watching this going, "Hey! Children can almost do anything themselves! But then at the end, they screw it all up, and this guy finally shows up to offer some help!" If I was Lucy, I wouldn't hug Aslan, I'd punch him in the face!

And as for you, Ben Barnes, what is this!? You're amazing actor. I've stalked your movies pretty thoroughly this last year, and I know that you're a good actor. So, what's this accent changing nonsense? The first time, you're this weird French/Spanish hybrid based off of Inigo from the Princess Bride, and the second time around, you just decide you're British again? You're not even going to try!? Can't believe they let you be in two movies with Colin Firth.

For anyone who's still lost, I just finished watching Voyage of the Dawn Treader. It took me this long, because I'm finding them more disappointing every time they come out, so it takes me a while longer to get around to them. I did like the adventure part of this one, but I felt like the acting (because, let's face it, those kids aren't the greatest actors) really brought it down.

. . . I bet my four-year-old niece could be in those movies. She's just as good of an actor, and that's including all the times she stops the game to tell people the correct ways to play their parts.

Anyway, this is my official journal of the day. I think the first one had more of a point to it, but whatever. How is everyone? Leave me a pretty little note to show me you're still breathing.

Love Sheen
August 25th, 2011 at 11:24pm